
Course - Beauty Business Marketing


Members learn about marketing best practices with a step-by-step guide to grow your beauty business

How To Guide

Hi, it’s Ameet from Glammatic Marketing!

This Beauty Marketing Course is designed for independent beauty professionals who are looking to learn how to grow their business using online marketing.

Each lesson covers a different online marketing tactic - from having a website to running text marketing to gift cards to SEO fundamentals. Each of these lessons are split into 3 sections:

  • The first section will cover what each tactic is and why it matters
  • The second section will go into step-by-step actions that you can take to to effectively use this tactic to help your business
  • Finally, several lessons include Tips & Tricks and Resources to help you take your online marketing to the next level

Congrats again on taking this step to invest in your growth, we’re excited to help you accomplish your goals!


Ameet Kallarackal

Co-founder @ Glammatic

You don’t need to do everything at once. Marketing takes time - the key is consistency, so just invest a little bit of time each day or each week. Focus on one Lesson at a time, ensuring you’re fully set up before moving on to the next one.

If you’re already familiar with a specific Lesson topic, I’d recommend watching at least the first section on best practices, before deciding to skip any content.

I would recommend that you go in chronological order, starting with the what/why section so you have a clear understanding of the context before getting to the step-by-step actions. I suggest that you are in front of a computer while watching the videos so that you can implement the steps as we cover them.
If you have any questions while watching the videos, please reference the Expert Advice section for more information.
