Lesson 2 - Branding

Lesson 2 - Branding

What & Why

Branding is about creating a unique identity for your organization. It is important to stand out in a competitive market. Elements like logo, colors, fonts, and messaging are key to crafting your brand.

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Tips & Tricks

Branding is difficult and ever-evolving, so don't strive for perfection. Take inspiration from existing brands and use tools like Canva and Chat GPT to create professional-looking logos and messaging.

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Step-by-Step Guides

How to choose a Color palette

Color plays a crucial role in salon branding as it can evoke emotions and associations, impacting how people perceive your brand and translating into revenue.

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How to Choose Font pairings

Choosing the right fonts for your branding is crucial for driving business. Legibility and expressing your brand's personality are key factors. Learn how to select fonts that will help you stand out and look great doing it!

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How to Create a Logo

Learn how to create a professional and personalized logo using Canva, even with zero design experience, in under five minutes.

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How to Create Brand Messaging

Crafting high-converting brand messaging is crucial for driving more business. It involves understanding your audience, researching competitors, and using tools for brainstorming ideas. This video covers the core essentials for creating effective messaging.

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