Lesson 9 - Analytics

Lesson 9 - Analytics

What & Why

Analytics is all about understanding how your business is performing online. Don't be intimidated by the numbers, we'll guide you through the essentials so you can easily manage and focus on the key metrics to help your business grow.

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Step-by-Step Guides

How to Set Up Google Analytics

Google Analytics is crucial for assessing website performance. This video explains how to set it up. If you have a Glammatic website, it's done automatically. You'll need a Gmail account to get started.

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How to Use Google Analytics

Learn how to navigate the Google Analytics dashboard, understand important metrics, interpret data on user demographics and traffic sources, and use the insights to optimize your website and marketing campaigns.

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How to Use Glammatic Analytics

Glammatic Analytics provides key metrics on the website dashboard that help track website performance and user experience.

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