Lesson 1 - Business Listings

Lesson 1 - Business Listings

What & Why

Online business listings are like modern-day phone books, where consumers can find local businesses and contact information. It is important to be on these directories because consumers actively use them, and having up-to-date listings increases your online credibility.

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Tips & Tricks

The video provides tips and tricks for setting up listing profiles, including being specific with business categories, geography, and high-quality photos. Verification, consistency, and prioritizing key platforms are also important.

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Step-by-Step Guides

How to Create a Google Business Profile

Learn how to easily create a Google business profile step by step in this tutorial. Verifying your profile is crucial for visibility on Google Search and Maps.

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How to Create a Business Yelp Profile

Learn how to set up an amazing Yelp profile for your business, connecting you with local customers and building trust with potential buyers.

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How to Set Up Apple Maps for Business

Apple Business Connect is a free tool that allows businesses to claim their location card on Apple Maps and manage their business information. It also provides insights on listing performance.

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How to Set Up a Facebook Business Page

How to Integrate Glammatic with Google and Facebook

Using a Glammatic-built website allows you to integrate with Google and Facebook, saving you time. To set it up, log into your Glammatic dashboard, go to the integration section, and authorize Google and Facebook. Select the data you want to synchronize between your website and these platforms.

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You can also see our help article here if this video did not give you the information you needed: https://help.gofisherman.com/hc/en-us/articles/7101725236756-Google-Business-Profile-Integration

Lesson Navigator