Lesson 3 - Websites

Lesson 3 - Websites

What & Why

A website serves as the digital storefront and helps capture your target audience. Websites provide important information and improve visibility on Google.

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Tips & Tricks

Learn tips & tricks for efficiently setting up a website that helps you grow your business.

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Step-by-Step Guides

How to Pick a Domain

This video covers how to pick the right domain for your website. Tips include picking a domain similar to your business name, choosing a memorable and short domain, and using location if needed.

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How to Set Up a Glammatic Website

Learn how to quickly set up a website using the Glammatic website builder.

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How to Optimize your Website for Mobile

70% of consumers view websites from their mobile devices, so it's important to ensure your site looks and works great on mobile.

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How to Connect a Domain to your Glammatic Website

Learn how to get a free domain with Glammatic or connect your existing domain to a Glammatic website

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How to Use Other Website Platforms


Vagaro's MySite web builder allows users to easily create a unique website with little to no web development experience required.

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GoDaddy Website Builder is an easy and affordable way to create a professional website without coding or hiring a marketing agency.

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Learn how to create a professional Squarespace website in just 15 minutes with this tutorial. The video covers everything from signing up to customizing your site.

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With Gloss Genius, you can easily customize your website in minutes, change the background photo, display your services visually, and enable online booking.

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GoDaddy Domain → Glammatic Website

To start this process you will first have to invite a delegate to manage your account. The step by step guide is at: https://www.godaddy.com/help/invite-a-delegate-to-access-my-godaddy-account-12376

When adding the delegate send the request to domains@gofisherman.com

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